Dempa – Charter Of The Forest
September 29, 2017Orm – Edits
May 5, 2017“You might have seen him before. He’s been around for a while. He’s a regular here. He likes to shop. Regular Customer. But he also likes to sell. He’s got something for you today. You like house, he’s got house. You like techno, he’s got techno. You like that lad from Chicago called Garrett David. Yes, that one. Well, he’s got something from him as well. He came from far away lands in the East of Europe, but he’s local in the East of London too. That’s him. You might have seen him before. Regular Customer.”
Regular Customer debuts his first full length EP on Little Beat Different. Four distinctly different jams, spanning sultry deep house, nodding to the 90s golden era, to chugging techno laced with squelching basses and moving synths.
Chicago’s Smart Bar resident, Garrett David powers through on remix duties!